I remember I got my first guitar when I was about four or five years old. It was a cheap acoustic that I only banged on. But I wanted to be like The Beatles so mom and dad got me one for Christmas. As it turns out I also wanted to be like a cartoon character named "El Kabong". ( grins devilishly ) I smashed the guitar against some concrete steps. In the cartoon there were always more guitars! Wow, bummer! LOL My second guitar was a Dan Electro electric that I received when I was eleven years old. I started taking things a bit more seriously and sat down with a Mel Bay beginners book and taught myself the basics. Then I remember taking guitar lessons on Saturday mornings at the local community center. After about a year or so I started playing guitar with some of my classmates. In junior high school I was asked by one of my classmates if I'd like to play bass guitar. I said sure but I didn't own a bass. So I played the bass lines on my Dan Electro. About a year later my grandpa and parents chipped in and got me a Gibson EB1 bass and amp. I practiced constantly and even received an award from my band class teacher for "Most Improved Musician" at the end of seventh grade. By the time I was in high school I was really pretty good on the bass and was playing guitar once again. I took music theory classes and continued to learn more and play with more people. My grandpa had a Gibson ES-175 that he gave me which I traded for a Gibson Les Paul custom that I still have. I tried to learn the saxophone but couldn't get used to the reed vibrating on my lips. LOL I did learn to play the tuba for the high school marching band and messed around with the trumpt and trumbone as well. For a birthday present in my junior year in high school I had gotten a Yamaha acoustic guitar and started learning songs by America, The Beatles, Led Zep & Pink Floyd. I started to take lessons again at Red Bank Music and was introduced to the Berklee Guitar Series books. The lessons only lasted a few months but for the next few years I worked my way through all 3 books in the series. Around this time I was turned on to three very talented guitarists: Joe Pass, Al DiMeola and Chet Atkins. In addition to the above three I'm influenced by: John Lennon, George Harrison, Eric Clapton, David Gilmoure ( Pink Floyd ), Jimmy Page ( LedZep ), Randy Rhoads, Kenny Burrel, and Charlie Christian. Currently I'm working with my 16 track machine and creating some new music and some covers of other tunes. On Tape 1 theres an upbeat blues as yet untitled song, "I Call your Name" and "And I Love Her" by the Beatles and "Stairway to Heaven" in various stages of completion. Sound on sound recording is cool! My Newest Toys. A Fender American Series An Ibanez AF195 A Fender Stratocaster ![]() A Gretsch Tennessee Rose A Heritage H150CM A Heritage H575 A Carvin Cobalt C750 Two Fender American Deluxe Stratocasters A Gibson Les Paul Deluxe Goldtop A Behringer acoustic guitar amp An Ovation Celebrity An Ibanex AF85 A Carvin RC210-18 Bass Amp A Carvin MTS3200 Guitar Amp A Carvin 1644P Mixer My play pen An Applause Acoustic-Electric Mandolin A Carvin LB75FP Five-string fretless bass> My Carvin DC135C Koa. My Carvin SH225S. My Fender Jazz Bass and Peavey TKO amp. My Gibson Les Paul Custom (circa 1975), Carvin amp and Ibanez acoustic. My home studio Ten Axes - Salute! Close up of Six Close up of Five Gibson Les Paul Custom and Fender Stratocaster Plus a Fender Telecaster Plus a Guild Bluesbird A 2000 Les Paul Standard A Rikenbacker bass Yamaha elecric piano Roland VS-1880 The room Some older pics from 1978 & 1979 Last Updated: November 28, 2004 |